Crate Training – The First Step to a Better Dog
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.
When we give our dog too much freedom – the freedom to patrol the entire yard or property while we are gone, the freedom to hike off leash without voice control, the freedom to roam about the house and explore with no restrictions, the freedom to sniff, pull, and investigate at will on our walks…we are sending a potentially dangerous message!
The reason anger and frustration fail to control a dog is that anger and frustration signal to your dog (and to others) that you have lost control.
Often when women work on becoming a leader, they are undermined by certain personal habits that sap them of the power they are eager to gain. The worst part is, women don’t even realize they are sabotaging their own power.
….myth that dominance in the animal world is achieved through aggression. The assumption that rank has been won through bloody battles, pain and anguish
Selective breeding has changed the “wrapping”, but not the contents. Domesticated dogs – be they toy or giant, sporting or non-sporting, long-haired or short – are still at their core, DOGS,
I explain to busy super moms that the secret to getting the household under control, and the dog better behaved with the family is less yelling, and better management.
Because dogs by nature are not looking to a female for pack leadership, we women often start out with two strikes against us in the control department with our dogs.
In 20 years of dog training, I’ve yet to find any subject more provocative that that of Power, Hierarchy and Dominance and its place in dog training. It’s a lightening rod that divides dog trainers into one camp or the other: those that train to achieve hierarchical dominance over their dog, and those that feel
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