Crate Training – The First Step to a Better Dog
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.
your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go.
With a long line attached to your dog via his collar, you can teach your dog to respect virtually any boundary – whether it is the edge of the lawn, the threshold of your front door, or the doorway of the room
It’s not our dog’s great-great-great-great-great…grandparents that hold the key to understanding your dog now. Do YOU bear much resemblance to your ancient ancestors? I doubt it. Neither does your dog.
Some people just don’t enjoy fish, and some dogs just don’t enjoy other dogs. So why do we keep trying to force them?
….myth that dominance in the animal world is achieved through aggression. The assumption that rank has been won through bloody battles, pain and anguish
If there is one command that gives owners grief, it is the COME command. They scream, they threaten, they beg, they chase, they bribe and cajole – and their dogs still do not come when called.
Selective breeding has changed the “wrapping”, but not the contents. Domesticated dogs – be they toy or giant, sporting or non-sporting, long-haired or short – are still at their core, DOGS,
I explain to busy super moms that the secret to getting the household under control, and the dog better behaved with the family is less yelling, and better management.
Did you know that dogs were not designed to make independent, responsible choices? They are pack animals. A well behaved dog depends on boundaries and limits being set 24-7 by their pack mates.
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